We’ve talked about this a few times on our Facebook page: the gas that has earned the name “the silent killer.” Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas is extremely difficult to detect, and poses a very serious threat to individuals. According to Maine’s Division of Environmental Health, this gas can cause sickness, coma or death when it accumulates in enclosed spaces. Warning signs include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion.
According to the 124th Maine State Legislature, “The owner shall install, or cause to be installed, by the manufacturer’s requirements at least one approved carbon monoxide detector upon or near the ceiling or floor in each area within, or giving access to bedrooms” in each apartment of a multi-family building, additions to or restoration of a single-family dwelling that adds at least one bedroom to the unit, and any conversion of a building into a single-family unit. Carbon monoxide detectors must also be powered by both the electrical service in the building, and by battery (Sec. 5. 25 MRSA § 2468).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests these Dos and Don’ts for preventing carbon monoxide poisoning:
● Do have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified technician every year.
● Do install a battery-operated CO detector in your home and check or replace the battery when you change the time on your clocks each spring and fall. If the detector sounds, leave your home immediately.
● Do seek prompt medical attention if you suspect CO poisoning and are feeling dizzy, light-headed, or nauseous.
● Don’t use a generator, charcoal grill, camp stove, or other gasoline or charcoal-burning device inside your home, basement, or garage or near a window outdoors.
● Don’t run a car or truck inside a garage attached to your house, even if you leave the door open.
● Don’t burn anything in a stove or fireplace that isn’t vented.
● Don’t heat your home with a gas oven.
A properly installed system greatly decreases carbon monoxide’s threat to you and your loved ones. Monitoring is another precaution that individuals would benefit from when it comes to the “silent killer.” Seacoast Security installs and monitors CO detectors in homes, ensuring the safety of our clients from this threat. At our 24 hour monitoring facility, we note any carbon monoxide levels in your home and notify the authorities if a threat is detected. Give us a call for more information or for a quote